domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2024

Freemasonry and Christians

I don't like Freemasonry, mainly because of the fact that it must be "secret." When something is secret, I think they are hiding something bad. I don't like them. Also, when I worked in a political party in Guatemala, they had to become Freemasons to be eligible for a high position if they were to govern. I didn't like that about them either.

Also, there is always a loudmouth who says he is a Freemason to be interesting and the secret ends. Freemasons believe that their participation is very secret, but everyone knows it. Nowadays, everything is known through social networks and Google.

Another factor is that they feel like superheroes when they belong to a "secret" lodge and to get a good political position or a better job, they join Freemasonry.

The delicate thing about the matter is that many Masonic lodges are accused of carrying out satanic cults. It seems that for them, the serpent that tempted Eve in paradise is the "light." A former Mason tells of this in an article:

"Faced with the repeated anti-clerical comments of several high-ranking members of the lodge, Serge could not remain silent and defended the Church. But in addition to the criticism of the Church and the Pope, he discovered that in the ritual for the beginning of the Masonic year "glorification was given to Lucifer." "They do not say that he is the devil, but rather they take the etymology of the word and say that he is 'the bearer of light,'" he explains to ACI Prensa."

"Something similar also happened when he saw that among the high-ranking members of Masonry the serpent spoken of in Genesis is praised, because of whom Adam and Eve fell into original sin. "They say that she brought light and knowledge to man that God did not want to give him. This is a very serious perversion," he declares."

The light of knowledge is given by the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, I know this from experience, and there are also testimonies of people who did not understand mathematics and by invoking the Holy Spirit, they managed to do so.

God did not want Eve and Adam to be puppets in paradise or as stupid and ignorant beings without intelligence, what God wanted was for them not to live in sin, they were saints and humanity fell into sin by following Satan.

Another aspect that I do not like about some Masons is that they only live speaking badly of the Catholic Church, it is a hatred towards the church, they say that it has its faithful as slaves, that it hides the truth from them, that we should be free. I am Catholic because I love the Blessed Sacrament, and I respect the Church where I am because that is how it should be, I can live with Protestants, Anglicans, Evangelicals, Muslims, Mayans, Buddhists, etc. I have no religious problems with anyone, because of the philosophy of light, I have had a friendly dialogue with everyone.

The Catholic Church published a statement in 2023 indicating that Catholics should not become Masons:

Years ago when I had my conversion, I heard God telling me that Gonzalo, a friend, would come to Guatemala and accept him. Gonzalo had come to the country, we became friends and he left. He wanted to stay in Guatemala with me, but I was recently divorced, my children were small and the father of my children paid for our house and I could not accept that Gonzalo lived there. I saw that he was very young and at no time did he offer to pay for another house for me, so he left because he was traveling with his father.

At first we wrote to each other and he told me that he had done the Camino de Santiago, a walk that they do in Spain. Later he wrote a book about how he had found himself doing that walk, supposedly he had found enlightenment. I have not read any of his books, I only read a review that he published.

The end of the walk is the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, so he was Catholic, and now it turns out that I found him on a social network and he doesn't look like himself, he got ugly, a friend says that when you see an ugly man it's because you don't like him anymore, it could be that, ha, ha.

Well, it turns out that he's now promoting the tree of life, which I respect a lot for that Jewish belief, and he acts like a know-it-all and goes out with another guy who looks like a Muslim, both ugly, and Gonzalo proposes a mentorship so that one can learn about the tree of life, but the truth is, I'm not interested in that subject at all.

Also, I listened to him and I didn't watch his videos anymore because he spoke badly about the Catholic Church, after he was a great Christian doing the Camino de Santiago, I guess the Masons brainwashed him. I investigated and found out that Masons study the tree of life. Gonzalo studied philosophy and I don't understand how he is in this situation. Perhaps the Masons pay him to promote the tree, as in Spain even the emeritus king is a Mason, and some communities live like in Sodom and Gomorrah, that is why there are great floods with the DANA. I asked God for this to stop, because because of Gonzalo the righteous should not pay for the sinners.

The antichrist believed the fool, since he does not invoke the Holy Spirit, he is a fool, that I am in love with Gonzalo and that I was going to become an automaton to promote the Jewish-Masonic tree of life. Since there are lodges of women...

God now let me know that the "antichrist" turned him into a follower of the tree of life, so I better stay away from him. So I already distrusted him, since I promote the idea of ​​a Christian Republic, the antichrist took him to see if with that he would divert me from my mission. But I prefer Yahweh, his son Jesus and the Christian Republic, than an ugly mason. This indicates to me that many masons follow the antichrist, they go against the salvation of humanity. I know many Masons who go to the Catholic Church. I have noticed them when they say they admire former President Obama, who is a Mason 33, and when they mention other famous people that everyone knows are Masons, I don't like them.

I think that Masonry is a very old group, so it has been degenerating and dividing and each Masonic group does what it wants, it is no longer even in dreams as it began, possibly there are truly Christian Masons and they don't realize it and fall into Satanic cults without knowing it, or they "want to be right with God and the devil" as the saying goes.

The truth is I think that Gonzalo became ugly because he has an evil spirit inside, that changed the expression on his face, before he had a different expression, the truth is he seems like another person, I am impressed by what happened to him, lamentable.

Today God told me to write about this matter of Masonry, I invoke the Holy Spirit to do it as He wants. Today's reading is also very strong, it warns that Jesus will come.

First reading, Reading from the Prophet Daniel Dan 12, 1-3

At that time, Michael will arise, the great prince who defends your people. It will be a time of distress such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world. Then your people will be saved, all those who are written in the book. Many of those who sleep in the dust will awake, some to eternal life, others to eternal punishment. The wise leaders will shine like the splendor of the firmament, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like stars for ever.

Reading from the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark, Mk 13, 24-32

At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: “When those days come, after the great tribulation, the light of the sun will be extinguished, the moon will not shine, the stars will fall from heaven, and the whole universe will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with great power and majesty. And he will send out his angels to gather together his chosen ones from the four corners of the earth and from the lowest parts of the earth to the highest parts of the heavens.

Consider this from the fig tree. When its branches become tender and put forth leaves, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see these things happening, you know that the end is already near, already at the door. This generation will certainly not pass away until all these things are fulfilled. Heaven and earth may pass away, but my words will not fail. No one knows the day or the hour, not the angels in heaven, nor the Son, only the Father.

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