lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2024

The political situation in guatemala

The political situation in Guatemala is a struggle between the Public Ministry and the Executive government. This was born from the last general elections, the panorama was that there were no candidates that called attention, so a black campaign began between one and the other, at the end of so many attacks Bernardo Arévalo came out favored.

Then the right was fainting from the fear of seeing that Bernardo Arévalo had won, for being the son of a former leftist president, but it turns out that they began to investigate and said that members of the seed party, which brought Arévalo to power, were deceased, or fake.

They did investigations with the records of the Electoral Court, accused the magistrates and well this situation became an endless lawsuit. The magistrates fled to the United States, then Kamala Harris and Biden stuck out their chests, they have already returned and the situation is being resolved in the courts.

Before the Court approved Arévalo as the new president and in that mess, Arévalo's party went out to demonstrate in the streets and accused USAID of paying those people to go out and cause trouble. The country was paralyzed and that affected the economy. I was angry because I couldn't go out to work in real estate. Besides, I have never demonstrated or participated in that street violence. No leader has been born for me to do that.

Well, I wasn't angry with USAID either, because my editor told me that they bought my book "Don Quixote and the Timekeeper" to distribute it in public libraries. It's a very nice book that supports the indigenous people, especially the Mayan worldview. During that conflict, I stayed at home as a spectator, like many other Guatemalans.

So they didn't want Arévalo to take office as president and even King Felipe, very brave indeed, was involved in the mess. I see that he loves Latin American messes, ha, ha, ha.

The result now is that they say that Arévalo was imposed on us by the United States, and that he is a president who was not elected clearly and through a transparent process.

I don't really dislike Arévalo, because he is a diplomat and I worked with many diplomats in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Arzú government and I loved my job at the La Aurora International Airport.

I see that he is an educated man, I don't really like his "revolutionary" style that he says, but there is no way around it. You have to be patient with the ideologues of the right and the left. I am neither left nor right, I dislike ideologies, they are retrograde in my opinion, they make the world divided and cause wars.

Well, that's how things are in Guatemala, now they have annulled the seed party, and they are in Congress changing the laws. Honestly, in Guatemala political parties are born and die like the flowers of the field.

I dedicate myself to living my life, and I only see what happens from afar, that's how most Guatemalans are, hence the political class putting on a show, I am not affiliated with any party, nor do I have friends in the military or priests who seek to interfere in politics.

Arévalo has the support of the Catholic Church, because our archbishop and the Episcopal Conference are fed up with the right and with former president Giamatei, who accuse him of being corrupt. They seek social justice because indigenous people suffer too much poverty.

I go to the Episcopal Conference chapel and greet the archbishop from afar. It's not that he's irresistible. He's a respectful gentleman. When he was young, he was a very handsome man. I wondered why he became a priest and didn't get married. Now he's an old man. God simply called him to serve Jesus.

I greet them from afar because priests, some are flirtatious and when they see that one doesn't have a husband, they think we're looking for comfort. I would never have sex with a priest. First, because I see it as so out of place. Second, I would never do that because Jesus has his eyes on me and takes care of me. Third, there are so many single men that why be with a priest? It would be taking a worker away from the Church.

Another aspect is that God is like a jealous father, and I have to accept the man that he indicates to me, and if not, I'll be alone. I love to have peace and live quietly. Since my name is Abraham and the old Abraham gave me the son when he and Sara were already more than a hundred years old, I think she will send me the husband when he is more than 100 years old, ha, ha, ha. Oh God, give me patience.

Well, that is how the situation is in Guatemala, the right used to love the Americans since they gave Jacobo Arbenz a coup d'état, and now the situation has changed and they hate them because they say that they imposed Arévalo on us. How funny, they used to love American interference and now they hate it, things that are seen in the world today.

Biden and Kamala made a mistake, instead of getting involved in the affairs of other countries, they should have started working with their political party, attending to the bases, but they lost the presidency of the United States. Well, I hope they learn that presidencies are won with partisan work, day by day, I already worked in a political party years ago and I learned a lot and we won the presidency with Arzú, with the PAN, now it is a small party, but by a miracle it still exists.

Trump won because of that lady who now made her chief of staff, she made him win, a smart, intelligent woman. I like Trump, because he does not support those horrible gay and lesbian agendas of the leftists.

We will continue then, watching the power struggle between the MP and the Executive, because there is no way they will reach an agreement, at times they seem like children, children fighting in kindergarten.


Imagen de María Consuelo Porras, Jefa del Ministerio Público y Presidente Bernardo Arévalo.

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