sábado, 24 de junio de 2017

In the era of global terrorism, a Christian state is a necessity

In the age of globalization, terrorism of this magnitude is suffered. The European states suffer the scourge of ISIS terrorist attacks. I consider that european leaders do not take into account who direct this army, which is declared to have been created by the United States (Obama) but now has become a destabilizing instrument for sects of masons and politicians who decide to destabilize a country and create chaos for x and y reason that suits their purposes.

A global terrorist threat must stop globally. For example, a political leader who is connected to ISIS and wants to destabilize London, can tell ISIS to order one of its cells in that city to make an attack. As ISIS receives foreign funding it will obey without even thinking about Allah, Muhammad or his religion. ISIS is already a terrorist current that is used by different sectors for its purposes, it is no longer even a religious problem.

In order to combat ISIS, the strategies that are being used are in the first place the decisions of Donal Trump and Putin, they are going to the christian states, they have chosen not to receive Muslim refugees, they also send direct messages to them that if they do not seem to them the christian practices that go to the countries of muslim majority. Something I agree with. Human Rights will never support the entry of muslims who disguise themselves as refugees and only enter into ISIS cells.

The ISIS figure, now even lends itself as the German case, who wanted to assassinate a political leader and planned an attack to make it look like ISIS, that could happen yesterday in London, a foreign politician who wishes to destabilize London can contact an organization of criminals to create terror and chaos, even indicating how to make the attack, with outrages and knives, and declare afterwards as ISIS. ISIS is already a global terrorism that serves global criminal interests. It is like the parallel states that settle in governments to create internal chaos and corruption. Or political parties such as Pablo Iglesias, de Podemos who has Masons in their ranks and have convinced him to attack the figure of a christian state, acting in an unwise way because while in Spain King Felipe is catholic, they can never eliminate the catholic practices.

We have reached the age where belief in Jesus Christ is no longer a religion but a form of life and government. The only way I think is Christian states, a Christian model of publicly defined government will achieve the following:

  1. That people who do not profess that religion, do not want to travel there because they are not comfortable with their religious practices. For example, in the Vatican the majority are christians.                                                                                                                 
  2. It is easy and conducive to control the population according to their religion, with an identification document where the religious profile is defined, with a microchip, so that people of that religion can be stopped but if they carry their identification there will be no problem, They will know their contacts and movements, even if it is possible when they process the document, they refer to which family they come from. This ensures that when an attack is requested the identification document is requested throughout the sector and can be controlled by computer when carrying a microchip, which people of muslim religion are in the sector.                                                                                           
  3. The demand for a religious identification document will cause many people to leave the country, this situation does not go against human rights, on the contrary they are anti-fundamentalist protection strategies. sadly, it is necessary to make these decisions because political leaders must be responsible for their people, people of peace, who seek to live quietly and mobilize without fear.                                                        
  4. The religious identification document will also serve to have a religious map of the country, to control how many people of each religion live in what sector in numerical way and thus be able to give this information on a website that citizens can visit and decide in which area Of London for example want to live. This will cause people to be unified according to their religion and thus security systems can have total control. Such a document is not discriminatory but even contributes to communities living according to their customs and beliefs without suffering discrimination.                                     
  5. To declare oneself a christian state is not to return to the inquisition, let alone to violate those of another religion, a religious state has simply become a necessity to protect the regional and global security of citizens, so that they can profess their beliefs without being murdered.                                                                                                     
  6. For example in Spain, the profile is christian, King Philip is catholic and practices religion, Queen Leticia is agnostic and unfortunately has supported ideas that go against christianity, such as respect for life. In England it is also easy to raise a christian state because Queen Elizabeth runs the Anglican Church. In this age of globalization, we already live in christian states, but we do not take measures as such, to protect and protect christians. Exalting human rights means protecting citizens from terrorists who hide in a religion.