The evolution of the human being should be propitiated integrally, mind, body and spirit to achieve evolution as a society and build a better world, the world heals when the mind of man is focused on improving his habits of thought. Sri Daya Mata, President of Self-Realization Fellowship (World Circle of Prayers) points out that "The reason human beings suffer both physical and emotional inharmonies, and nations experience social and international conflicts, lies in the fact that men Have moved away from the source of the power of divine grace, because of their erroneous thoughts and actions."
The above indicates that if all human beings thought positive the world would be better.
Sometimes we have in our minds questions, hopes, good intentions, new goals and the desire to fulfill one or several goals. Let us keep in mind the importance of our thoughts so that an attitude that will transform us and our actions be constructive will be born again, all our deepest dreams and desires will come true.
Determining our attitude
The disposition we have can change the course of events in our life. Let us use all the tools we have at our disposal and express a positive attitude. We do not know, sometimes, how radical the changes that can be operated by generating a positive attitude.
Evolved Emotional Behaviors
Humans have the ability to develop a positive attitude, in other words we are positive by nature. In the cerebral cortex or neocortex there are neurons that if we educate them to think positive we will evolve drastically in our mentality. Neurons regulate the emotions of the interpretations of the world around us, helping us in our emotional behavior by solving problems that seemed complex. Our brains are poised to evolve, so we can all be positive. The human being can educate his thoughts to achieve evolved emotional behaviors.
There are physiological theories of emotion that demonstrate that the cerebral cortex or neocortex receives and interprets the sensory stimuli that provoke the emotions producing changes in the nervous system and in the muscles. We see, then, that if our behaviors are positive or beneficial our brain and emotional evolution improves, and if they are negative they will be inconvenient for their development.
This indicates that if we stimulate positive thinking we will receive a positive emotional response given by our brain and we will act naturally, with a positive attitude. Let us learn to think positively through good habits of thought and make the most of this ability.
Paramahansa YoganandaIn the book "The monk who sold his Ferrari", the author Robin S. Sharma, shows us a technique that turned his book into a bestseller: the opposite thought, attributes the idea to Paramahansa Yogananda (Gorakhpur, India 1893-1952). Spiritual leader, disciple of Gandhi, who left a great legacy of knowledge of the force of thought through meditation yoga and prayer. His book "Autobiography of a Yogi" was designated by renowned theologians and scholars of Harper & Collins, as one of the 100 most important spiritual books of the twentieth century. Paramahansa Yogananda opened the door to the precious knowledge of human nature and his powerful spiritual capacity to achieve all that it wants through organizing, healing, controlling and exercising his thinking.
The opposite thought
The opposite thought begins when we recognize that we can not think of two things at once, our brain can only focus on one thought and then move on to another and so successively. Then, to achieve positive thinking we will perform a mental gymnastics. Every time your brain has a negative thought, it immediately places the opposite thought, for example: if you are misjudging someone, think of a quality that person possesses, if you are criticizing negatively, praise a quality. So your behavior will also change for you and for others.
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Paramahansa Yogananda |
What the opposite thought is about is motivating you, generating you a positive task, your actions to achieve your goals. You will also overcome internal conflicts and bad habits of thought, which are dangerous as an inclination to defeatist thinking, which can lead to a passive attitude or stagnation of your goals. It is the peril of negative thinking, because it can destroy us inwardly and outwardly. Let us strive so that we naturally evolve and become positive beings by educating our mentality.
It is advisable a minimum of three weeks to perform the mental gymnastics of the opposite thought and thus, you will get your thought accustomed to always think positive. Discuss why you have a bad habit of thinking. Then focus on an idea and choose a goal, for example stop criticism, try to have a sense of humor, see qualities instead of defects, a new purpose or achieve that goal that is shelved.
Let's focus positively
In the lives of all human beings there are moments of triumph and defeat. If our mentality is positive we will take advantage of all experience. If after a negative experience we say that next time everything will come out better, it will happen, because we will find the cause of the mistake and we will improve it.
Positive people see themselves as owners of their destiny, fighters, entrepreneurs and continuous creators of their own existence. The power of positive thinking attracts positive energies and therefore positive events to our life. Try to explain things in a different way, with greater optimism, with more self-love, with faith and hope. Keep positive conversations with yourself and with others and you will immediately see the difference in your personal attitude, in your actions and in your life.
Analyze that from now on you are able to start any project with a positive attitude. Trust in yourself, feel able to do it and put physical and mental commitment. Meditate and analyze that a change and initiation is necessary, start from this moment to live a positive life, learning the art of good thinking, thinking every day more and more positive things. Be grateful to life, you will appreciate and love what you have within reach, strive to be positive and you will be happy.