jueves, 10 de octubre de 2024

The Luminous Miseries

 Around the year 2000, I had a very strong conversion after visiting the Blessed Sacrament and there I heard the strong voice of God in the Mary Help of Christians Church in zone 11. That affected me and I surrendered to God, I had already dreamed that He was speaking to me and He said "Abraham" and I replied that he didn't call me that and angrily he reprimanded me and told me "ABRAHAM". So I accepted that name because I won't say no to God again, heh, heh, heh.

I have known of religions that change their name upon conversion, and in the Bible God always changes his name. There is an earthly name and a name of vocation or mission, that is how God wants it.

I heard it when I came to visit the Blessed Sacrament, in dreams and when I prayed, sometimes a soft voice as if it were Jesus or an angel speaking to me and other times that strong voice of God, the truth scared me, because it is very powerful. .

Well, those who have listened to God will understand me, there are many and those who do not believe in that, it is their problem, I do not write this to convince anyone.

I write it because today when I went to visit the Blessed Sacrament, I prayed the rosary and they played the Luminous Mysteries of Thursday.

When I had my conversion I wrote several letters to John Paul II, they must be in the Vatican, I left them at the embassy in Vatican City of Guatemala. I told the Pope that I had heard God, that the voice came from heaven but it was in front of the Blessed Sacrament and that I came to pray the rosary there because I had been converted by that revelation from God.

I also told the Pope that the Blessed Sacrament had complained to me one day that they were not giving him the place he deserved, because when I went to see him I thought “how ugly that they put a basket in front of the Blessed Sacrament to leave the offering” and He He heard what I thought and responded “like a beggar.” So I asked the Church to take that basket away because the Lord didn't like it and I made him a very nice box for the offerings and I took it to him, the father believed me and accepted the box.

So the following week I went to see if they had put the box and when I saw the basket was there and I said to Jesús Sacramentado, right now I'm going to tell them to put the box for you and at that moment a woman from the church appeared and He removed the basket and put the box that I had brought him and told me “where a captain rules, a sailor does not rule”, he, he, he, the Lord Jesus always has grace to speak and is very special.

I wrote to the Pope, I believe, about two or three letters, and approximately a year after sending the letters the Pope published the Luminous Mysteries, which highlight the public life of Jesus and the institution of the Eucharist. It was in 2002, Pope John Paul II announced to the world that he was introducing the luminous mysteries as an option for Catholics in an apostolic letter on the Rosary, Rosarium Virginis Mariae.

The Luminous Miseries

Pope John Paul II, through my letters, realized that God revealed himself in the Blessed Sacrament. In this way, it was also instituted that every Thursday the Holy Sacrament is exposed and that day the Luminous Mysteries are prayed. There I verified that in the Vatican they read all the letters that reach the Pope from all over the world. I suppose that many of us listen to God and tell the Pope their experiences and the Vatican is interested in knowing...

The day the Church established them, we went to that celebration with a friend and she told me as we left the Church of Santo Domingo in zone 1, “How would the spotlight be illuminated for the Pope to create the Luminous mysteries?” I stayed silent but I smiled, because the truth is, I don't go around saying that I have heard God, because sometimes people are not ready for that. But I smiled because I knew that Pope John Paul II believed me and he considered it necessary to highlight the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the recitation of the rosary in front of him and created the Luminous Mysteries, where the last mystery is when Jesus instituted the Eucharist. .

People believe that God is very far away but that is not the case, I believe that He is revealed to many people and some decisions of the Vatican are made by these manifestations that happen in the world. I can say that my letters are in the Vatican archive, I think it is public now, but I don't know if they are old archives that allow them to be public.

Photos from today Eucharistic Thursday at the Divine Redeemer Church in zone 11, Utatlán II.