miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017


"Education has to change to dominate thinking, to educate it towards positive thinking"
Jean Pierre Malet, scientist

 ¿What is the Philosophy of Light?
It is a modern philosophy that promotes positive thinking, diffuses principles, values, ethics, transparency, solidarity, respect and spirituality.

Vision: For a peaceful, respectful and supportive civilization.
Where the human being transcends every day more, by means of healing and educating his mentality, enrich their spirit and improve their social relations; In a positive way to renew their quality of life.

Mission: To be a philosophical institute that is dedicated to spreading ideas, thoughts and attitudes, which contribute positively to the evolution of civilization.
The mission will be fulfilled through educational programs that reach different areas of society and citizens of all ages, religions and nationalities.

About us: Foundation Philosophy of light is a civil society organization private, non-profit, non-partisan, non-religious and for purposes of projection of mental healing, spiritual and social. It is inspired by the ancient Greek philosophical schools, from where the sciences such as mathematics, the first analyzes about nature and its origin politics, religion, astronomy, music, physiology and medicine.

2.    General Objective of the Project
Spread the Philosophy of Light nationally and internationally.

3.    Introduction  
The philosophy of light, seeks to humanize education for human growth, in a positive culture of dialogue and mutual respect.  At present, social networks and the internet are full of a culture of violence, hate, pornography and indifference towards others.  This influence leads people to become fundamentalist, violent, depressive and inhuman beings. The philosophy of light educates towards peace, solidarity, love for others, respect and the application of values ​​in everyday life.

The evolution of the human being must be propitiated in an integral way, mind, body and spirit to evolve as a society and build a better world, the world heals itself when the mind of man is focused on improving his thinking habits.   

The philosophy of light, has been disseminated since 2006 in presentations performed in Guatemala City and also in social networks. The goal is to make it known throughout the country and internationally. 

1.    Educate towards a positive attitude
Studies have shown that the way people react to other people and events, is influenced to a great extent by its perception and not by the real people or events (1)  If you have a negative attitude, you are more likely to negatively affect everything around you.

The negative attitude is contagious and can spread to all the people around them and affect their mentality. By taking active steps to cultivate positivism, you can counterattack and change a negative attitude.

The negative attitude can lead to suicide. WHO (2016) indicates that suicide is the second leading cause of death, in the age group of 15 to 29 years. 

Suicide is a serious public health problem; however, is preventable through timely interventions, based on reliable and often low-cost data. In order for the responses to be effective, a multisectoral and comprehensive suicide prevention strategy is required. (2)

Depression, is derived from a negative event such as the loss of a loved one, a job, suffer a serious medical illness, or be under long periods of stress, can be "triggers" of a depressive episode, although depression may sometimes be spontaneous and the person cannot associate it with a specific event or cause. (3)

The combination of external factors can lead to changes in our brain and difficulties adapting to internal or external events, contributing to the appearance of depressive symptoms.

2.      Positive Thinking
Humans have the ability to develop a positive attitude, in other words we are positive by nature. In the cerebral cortex or neocortex there are neurons that if we educate them to think positive, we will evolve dramatically in our mentality. Neurons regulate the emotions of the interpretations of the world around us, helping us in our emotional behavior by solving problems that seemed complex.

Our brains are poised to evolve, so we can all be positive. The human being can educate his thoughts to achieve evolved emotional behaviors. There are physiological theories of emotion that demonstrate that the cerebral cortex or neocortex receives and interprets sensory stimuli, which provoke the emotions producing changes in the nervous system and in the muscles.

We see, then, that if our behaviors are positive or beneficial it improves our cerebral and emotional evolution, and if they are negative they will be inconvenient for their development.

This indicates that if we stimulate positive thinking we will receive a positive emotional response given by our brain and in a natural way we will act positively.  If we educate to think positive, the society will learn good habits of thought, and all civilization will have benefit of this ability.

The aim is to train and educate to achieve peace of mind, harmony of thoughts, educate towards the opposite thought (Immediately a negative thought is born, a positive thought is generated in its place) The idea of ​​the opposite thought is attributed to Paramahansa Yogananda (Gorakhpur, India 1893-1952) Spiritual leader, disciple of Gandhi, who left a great legacy of knowledge of the power of thought through yoga meditation and prayer.

3.    Taking responsibility for our thoughts
Educate about the responsibility to generate thoughts from the vision of several thinkers. For example:  Jean Pierre Malet, with his theory of the unfolding of time about quantum physics that has discovered new knowledge in the world of science. Science and spirituality go hand in hand, the scientific method already seeks a different, more spiritual, science and consciousness must unite.

The scientist Malet points out that “Our beliefs create our reality, thoughts sow results and is to have responsibility, Because thoughts are energies that we release porque los pensamientos son energías que lanzamos and they will find energy, if we emit something negative it will connect with something negative and it will return more negative creating a super negative reality. It is therefore better to create positive thoughts because they will bring us positive events. (4)

Malet, gives an example: If I think of something manufacturing potential, so if I think well as taught, by Jesus Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, Gandhi, Confucio, or Salomón.  Are benevolent thoughts. If we apply those benevolent thoughts of these spiritual guides, we will not think of evil desires towards anyone but vice versa. By just thinking in a benevolent way, the future of humanity will change for the better. Is easy change the future of the civilization, only think benevolently.  The scientist warns that education has to become dominated by thought “Education has to turn to dominate thinking, to educate it towards positive thinking” Jean Pierre Malet, scientist

4.    Positive Thinking Healing
Most of the time the diseases have their root in an emotional problem not solved in the person. The good news is that you can learn not to get sick and if we are already sick, we can heal ourselves, we all have the capacity to contribute to our own healing.

We can do this by changing our thought patterns, for by changing what we think our actions will change and as a consequence our feelings will change towards purer, more loving feelings which will lead to more energy and less toxicity in our body. (5)

Positive thinking is so powerful that we can heal our body, as far as we are able, through discipline, to generate sufficiently flexible mental states, we can surely overcome the pitfalls of the body and that supposed inexorable determinism that genetics presents. (5)

There is one thing that is clear: the placebo effect is far from just imaginary. Several conditions such as Parkinson's, osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis and of course depression, benefit from treatment with placebo. Studies show notable changes under the influence of placebo, such as the generation of natural analgesics, alteration in neuronal excitation patterns, decrease in blood pressure and heart rate and an improvement in the immune response.

5.    Benevolent thoughts
Overcome hatred with nonviolence, defeat evil with goodness, Conquer the miser with a gift and a liar with the truth. Buda

3:31 Do not envy a violent man or choose any of his ways.

So, treat others as you would like them to treat you. That is the true meaning of the law and the teaching of the prophets. Jesús

The best of men is he who does more to his peers. Muhammad
A flattering and pretentious person is not too benevolent. Confucio

No one can do well in a space of his life, while doing damage in another. Life is an indivisible whole. Gandhi.

To spread and promote the philosophy of light, it is necessary to create an organization that works to achieve it.

Proposal of the Philosophy of Light Foundation
The proposal of the Foundation Philosophy of Light, is to create an organization that contributes through education to the healing of the mentality, by the conviction that if there is a civilization with a healthy mind, the world will evolve towards a better coexistence and quality of life.

Legal aspects
The institute will be registered according to the Governmental Agreement number 512-98 Non Profit Civil Associations.

Talks, trainings, workshops and seminars.  Presentations in power point and delivery of the book to practice positive thinking.

Target audiences
       Women and children 5 years and older, up to older adults.
      From public schools, colleges, universities, nursing homes, care center.
      Companies and public and private organizations. 

Axis 1 and 2
The Philosophy of Light is directed in two axes: the human thought and the public and private administration.

Axis 1. Human thought
The human being needs to be in total harmony, body, mind and spirit have to heal to be whole and thus become proactive, peaceful and supportive citizens, so civilization will evolve towards a more developed, positive, happy and successful coexistence.

Topic: Positive thinking as a philosophy of life
    The detrimental of negative thinking
    How to eradicate negative thinking
                         Positive thinking techniques
    The important thing is the attitude
    Positive effectiveness in any field and in any circumstance
    Positive thinking a philosophy of life

Topic: Training and Human Development in the workplace
  •       Total quality
  •       Effective communication
  •       Teamwork
  •       Negotiation and diplomacy
  •       Assertiveness as a style of communication
  •       Self-esteem and leadership
  •       Personal presentation
  •       Dealing with the public, labor and personal relationships

Tema: Ética y valores
  •       What is ethics and how does it apply in the workplace
  •       Values ​​and vision
  •       The importance of values ​​at work
  •       How to cultivate the human virtues
  •       Labor relations and attitude

Axis 2. Public and private administration
THE ETHICAL STATE, a government proposal
The philosophy of light promotes education in ethical values ​​for the good of public and private administration. An ethical State is the axis that harmoniously coordinates the work of its entities, for the good of citizens. If there is no harmony in your organization, the state does not work successfully. Harmony gives it a solid foundation of values ​​and principles based on truth, justice, freedom, solidarity and transparency.
Following the presentations proposed by the Philosophy of Light

Topic: The importance of values in public administration
    Application of values and approach in public administration
    Transparency, an invaluable value
    Promoting social awareness and the spirit of service
    How to cultivate the quality and disposition to the human virtues
    Political relations and attitude within the public administration

Topic: The ethical State
    Excellence in public administration
    How to eradicate corruption with values
    How to wisely administer state assets
    How to promote service attitude in public workers
    Dialogue and conflict resolution in public administration

Topic: The Christian Republic, Political Theology and Practical Philosophy
This theme does not touch on a particular religion, but is a form of government based on the gospels of Jesus and shows how to apply its teachings in public administration or private without being a theocracy or based on fundamentalisms. He does not intend to go against any monarchy, On the contrary, it contributes to that a monarchy applies the Christian values in its monarchical government. The philosophy of light proposes a system of republican Christian government, in countries of democratic republican system. This system is not a representation of political parties like the Republican, Democrat, or right or left, only goes in consequence with the teachings of Jesus.
This is a way of governing according to the love of Jesus towards human beings. Which unifies all citizens without distinction of religion or belief because it trusts in love as a unit. The crisis of values from the most humble house to a governmental entity, exists and is due to the lack of faith in love. The mandate of love is the teachings of Jesus Christ, a love that leads us to act in solidarity as the exercise of a culture of citizenship. If we act like this, everything will find harmony and we will gradually find peace, respect, dignity, justice, solidarity and love for humanity and all living beings.

    Political Philosophy
    The Evolution of Christian Social Thought
    The Kingdom of God an earthly reality
    The Christian Republic as a form of government
    The option for the poor and the dignity of the human being
    The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, to govern better

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