lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2024

The Christian Commitment to Human Rights, Ramiro de León Carpio

 The Christian Commitment to Human Rights is the title of an essay written by the former president of Guatemala Ramiro de León Carpio (1942-2002). The Prologue was written by Monsignor Próspero Penados del Barrio (1925-2005)



 This book is a very important analysis, highlighting the role of the laity in social and political life and within the Catholic Church. It analyzes that Christ not only brought a spiritual message but also offers a new way of seeing the world and consequently a commitment to Him, and it is up to us lay people to work to change reality.

 In the introduction the author points out that Christians in Guatemala, evangelicals and Catholics, have great commitments to the situation regarding the violation of human rights, he invites us to have responsibility. It indicates that Christians must build the civilization of love, consecrating life to the service of God and man, demanding respect for human rights.


 You can find it in the Judicial Branch Library at the following link:

This book impresses because it analyzes the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with biblical passages. The author carried out a meticulous theological study that shows us the light.

 The philosophy of light promotes a Christian State, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Every State institution can base its work on the light of Jesus to serve the people with truth and justice.


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