Dictatorships are ideological impositions because the ruler wants to stay in power at all costs to prevent another ideology from ruling. That is why leftists see Cuba as the mother of their ideology. However, no one wants to see a mother living in extreme poverty.
Pope Francis agreed with President Biden for Cuba to grant freedom to 553 prisoners, I am very happy for these people. I also don't see feeding 553 prisoners as being favorable for Cuba, as the people suffer from so much economic poverty. Because that is the sad thing about dictatorships, that the rulers accumulate wealth while the people live in extreme poverty.
Pope Francis has a good relationship with the left, John Paul II initiated this position when he visited Cuba and Fidel Castro was governing.
In Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro imposed a dictatorship, because apparently he will allow other presidential candidates to run but he will always be the winner. I have seen publications from Venezuelans who say that they live very well with him, but I see many Nicaraguans asking for money on the street, they go to Mexico and then to the United States.
Mr. Edmundo Gonzáles came to Guatemala to visit President Arévalo. He claims to be the winner of the last elections in Venezuela, but Nicolás Maduro is the son of Chavismo and continues to sit in power there.
Here in Guatemala there is a sector of rich families that are some from the center left and others from the extreme right and hate Maduro, so I believe they will support Mr. Edmundo Gonzales.
In Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega and his wife govern, children of communism from the cold era and unfortunately they say that the wife has a group of satanic witches who are her government advisors. They removed the Catholic Church because they are antichrists and now they are removing Save the Children because they are afraid that Donald Trump will order a coup d'état.
Against dictators, the only solution is coups d'état or the people's revolution, or for the dictator to die, either by divine command that gives him an incurable disease as he did with Chávez, or dies from another cause.
Dictatorships only provoke hatred, no one supports dictators, because they are taxes and human beings by nature seek to free themselves from those political ties. Dictators see enemies everywhere and begin to imprison and murder their adversaries, which causes national and international rejection.
The Philosophy of Light is against dictatorships, whether left or right, and as a human being who believes in God, I pray that this entire situation can be modified for the good of the people.
The Philosophy of Light is not a political ideology, it is a discipline that studies the fundamental principles of reality, existence and knowledge. Their form of government is based on governing people with love and peace, as is the heart of Jesus.