domingo, 16 de julio de 2017

Personal information


Applied studies
       Diploma in Marketing and Advertising
           Universidad Rafael Landívar
       Diploma on United Nations, A Vision for the Future
           Asociación Guatemalteca Pro Naciones Unidas
       Poverty and Globalization Studies          
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales FLACSO.
       Civil Society and the Legislative Agenda
Instituto Kaslemal
       Management Program
Asociación de Gerentes de Guatemala
       Small Business Administration
       Label and Organization, The History of Wine, Management and Control
Management and Food Service Management
Instituto de Etiqueta Internacional
       Language and Writing
Cámara Guatemalteca de Periodismo

                     English and Spanish
                     Spanish to English translation

Other studies and research
Personal studies of literature, philosophy, pedagogy, theology,
Policy, legislation, international relations, economics and Neuroscience.

Author of two theories
Author of the theory on economic evolution
Theory on the evolution of intelligence

I am currently working as an advisor
Office of advisory services for guatemalan universities
2012-2017 Five years of working as a student advisor University theses, protocols and EPS, in different faculties (Communication Sciences, Humanities, Higher Education Art, Juridical and Social Sciences, Theology, Nursing, Psychology, Marketing and Advertising, others) from the following universities. Universidad Rafael Landívar, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Universidad Panamericana de Guatemala, Universidad Marroquín y Universidad Mariano Gálvez.

Director of the Institute of Philosophy of Light
2011-2017 Director of the Institute Philosophy of Light, author of philosophy.
The philosophy of light, is a modern philosophy that seeks to affect the individuals towards positive changes in their attitude, considering that a healthy mindset achieves a positive attitude that affects in the interests of society as a whole. In this moment I am requesting donations to register the Institute as a Foundation.

The Philosophy of Light is spread in:
       Filosofía de la luz You Tube

The Philosophy Institute of Light, provides training for children, youth and adults on various topics:
    Positive thinking, as a philosophy of life (applied to the environment where the seminar or lecture is given, company, university, organization)
       Assertiveness as a style of communication
       Training and Human Development in the workplace
       Ethics and values in public and private administration
       Business Diagnostics
       The Ethical State

Books published

Two Poetry Books
  Central American Encounter of New Poetic Voices. Central American poetic anthology, published by Editorial Oscar de León Palacios. Compilation of eight Central American writers, 1996.

       Homage to Life, vintage poetry
Poemario published in Amazon and Casa del libro

Six Storybooks for Children
       PRODESSA, Santiago Institute, Educational Association La Salle.
Author of readings for four books for Mayan and Ladino children:
Stories, poetry, comics and theater for primary and secondary school of the Kemon Ch'ab'äl program, Literacy Program.
Effective approach to values. The books were published in Mayan and Spanish languages. The story "Maya World" was chosen for the publicity booklet of the published books.

       Editorial Susaeta Ediciones, S. A.
"Reading Comprehension Series to Learn". Book 5 and book 6 of stories, riddles, theater, cartoons, poems, fables, songs and others. Author of readings for books of Primary education, Guatemala. With reading comprehension activities. (2011)

Two Novels
       The Wonderful Journey of Grandfather Rafael
Published in 2016, with the sponsorship of the Cervecería Centro Americana, S. A. For sale at all bookstores in the country. As well published on Amazon and House of the Book. This book presents the Wonderful Journey of Grandfather Raphael, a short novel for youth and adults. Grandfather Rafael is a super character who moves in a surreal world magic of unexpected events, where they happen encounters with mayan gods, great treasures appear where is the quartz skull, the lords of Xibalba of the underworld. All his characters travel through a jungle impressive and know the most beautiful places of Guatemala that you can imagine.

       Novel in english and spanish
The Ingenious knight hidalgo Don Quixote of la Mancha in the Mayan world.
It is a novel that mixes Cervantes' classic with the Mayan world. Don Quixote comes to Guatemala and be friends, with the mayan priests and travels to the dimension of time. Posted in English on

Two Essays
       Political essay "God and the Nations"
Book presented with the support of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History PAIGH, History Commission, and the Embassy of Spain, Cultural Center of Spain, Cultural District (2004).Political essay on the invasion of Iraq. State the causes that led to the invasion of Iraq, analyzes the political doctrine of new American Century applied beginning this millennium by the United States to Arab countries to achieve their interests molding a new world order, and compares it with the doctrine of the Old American Age that he deployed in America Latina.

       The Ethical State, a government proposal
It is a political, religious and philosophical essay, this work tries to help make sense of life, to organize and to establish a functional State where everyone lives happily, with work, food, health, education, respect for life, planet and with citizens who appreciate the value of existence. It promotes Christian values in public administration. It presents a model of Christian State. Published in

Articles published in magazines and newspapers
       Magazine what's up?
Magazine published in Antigua Guatemala
       Revista Futuro, Universidad Galileo 2013/2014
Magazine for university students
       Articles published in the newspaper Century XXI

Publications of thoughts, phrases, photographs, promotions and activities in social networks
       Vera Patricia Bolaños You Tube Vera Bolaños


miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017


To encourage positive thinking and other issues, donations are needed and then detailed the money that would help to form the Foundation Philosophy of Light

Costs of Constitution of the Foundation Philosophy of the Light

Foundation Registration
Bank deposit (original) of at least Q50 000,00
In terms of legal minimum of assigned assets.
 Expenses of registration and registration procedures  
Q 25,000.00
Q 75,000.00

  1 Laptop Q6,000.00
  1 Desktop  Q7,000.00
  1 printer  Q1,000.00
  1  Photocopier Q8,000.00
  2 desks and 2 chairs  Q3,500.00
  1 overhead projector  Q5,000.00
  2 fixed phones one wireless  Q2,000.00
  3 Advertising banners  Q1,500.00
    Various office (calculators, strips, etc.) Q2,000.00
  1 Microwave, coffee maker and cups Q1,000.00 
  1 Video and photo camera Q5,000.00
  Others  Q3,000.00
Q 45,000.00
Q 80,000.00
Editing and printing of three books on positive thinking and values, supporting materials.
Q 50,000.00
Foundation website, Trifoliar
Q  8,500.00

Monthly expenses of the Foundation, salaries and services
1 secretary Q5,000.00 1 Accountant Q3,000.00
1 facilitator Q7,000.00
1 Director Q15,000.00
Light, water, internet, cleaning, others Q8,000.00
$  5725.11

Sub Total
Purchase of a house or office for the foundation $  500.000.00 Q



Donation requested
Requested Amount
Monthly expenses Q38,000.00
$  5725.11
Annual expenditure
$ 80,151.54
Total initial investment Q665.941.23
$ 91.320.00

Next, an organizational proposal of a Philosophical Foundation to promote the philosophy of light.

 Teachings of the Philosophy of Light

Source: Own

If an annual grant agreement is reached, I am willing to make a formal agreement in the way the donor requires.

Donation deposits can be made as follows:

In Guatemala:

Banco G & T Continental, Account 001-5033762-5 Monetary, on behalf of Vera Patricia Bolaños Santos.  (On legalizing the foundation, an account will be opened on behalf of the Philosophy of Light Foundation, according to the legal terms)

Banco Hipotecario Nacional: 01-020-027873-5 Monetary, on behalf of Vera Patricia Bolaños Santos. (On legalizing the foundation, an account will be opened on behalf of the Philosophy of Light Foundation, according to the legal terms)

By paypal, on behalf of:

By credit card and Paypal:
By credit card and Paypa

Team Philosophy of Light Foundation


Photographs of presentations of the philosophy of light, since the year 2006. (6)